trade business ebot

(commerce and e-commerce)

our ebot emotive AI digital humans offers immense benefits to the trade (commerce and e-commerce) business sector, we can help to automate and fast-track customer engagement, improve efficiency and drive growth

notable benefits included: personalised customer journey, order placement and tracking automation, upselling and cross-selling automation, 24/7 customer support, multi-lingual support, product support, solution support, service support and much more


wholesalers & traders


for retail shops


for assorted distributors


for assorted importers


for assorted exporters

B2B ecommerce

business to business

B2C ecommerce

business to customers

auction house

auction businesses

trading companies

for trading companies

commodity traders

for commodity business

freight forwarders

for logistics and supply

online marketplaces

for assorted products

brokerage firms

for financial trading

financial exchange

for finance trading

private equity

for investment trading

wholesalers ebot

for businesses trading in bulk for assorted products

private access only

distributors ebot

for businesses trading in distribution for assorted products

private access only

importers ebot

for businesses trading in import goods for assorted products

private access only

exporters ebot

for businesses trading in export goods for assorted products

B2B ecommerce ebot

for online business to business traders for assorted products

B2C ecommerce ebot

for online business to customers traders for assorted products

trading companies ebot

for general trading businesses with assorted products

private access only

auction house ebot

for auction houses and agencies for both online and offline trading

commodity traders ebot

for businesses trading in core commodities with online and offline network

private access only

freight forwarders ebot

for freight agencies with road, sea and air transportation routes

private access only

online marketplace ebot

for assorted marketplace businesses with focus on online trading

private access only

brokerage firms ebot

for businesses trading in brokerage services

private access only

financial exchange

for businesses trading in currency or stock exchange

private access only

private equity ebot

for businesses that trade in investment and asset

private access only