personal ebot

our ebot digital humans are designed to support individuals in their everyday personal and professional life, ranging from being a digital companion to a digitalised version of themselves 

self management

personal life

health & fitness

personal coach


personal management

mental heatlh

personal support


personal life

personal management ebot

for personal life management and digital living

private access only

health & fitness coach ebot

for personal health and fitness management and better living

private access only

financial management ebot

for personal financial management and budget control

private access only

mental health support ebot

for personal life support and everyday mental health development 

private access only

virtual companion ebot

for virtual companionship with a wide range of roles available

private access only

notes & journalling ebot

for personal notes recording and journalling

private access only

politician digitalisation

for political figures digitalisation and transposing of ideas and beliefs

celebrity digitalisation

for celebrities digitalisation and transposing of personality

influencer digitalisation

for influencers digitalisation and transposing of brand image

professional digitalisation

for professional individual digitalisation and transposing of knowledge

family digitalisation

for family member digitalisation and transposing of memories

private access only